Pure Tone™ – Stereo Multi-Contact 1/4 in. Output Jack

  • Stereo Multi-Contact 1/4 in. Output Jack
  • PTT2_B
  • PTT2_C
  • pure-tone-multi-contact-input-jack
  • Pure_Tone_Jack_Comparison_Banner_grande

Pure Tone™ – Stereo Multi-Contact 1/4 in. Output Jack


THEY’RE HERE! *New stereo version for instruments with stereo outputs or active electronics*

The Stereo Pure Tone jack contains dual rings for optimal signal and lowest possible noise. 100% greater surface area at all contact points creates a more stable connection; as a result, high and low frequencies are greatly improved creating a much more balanced sound while eliminating frequency spikes. No more noise crackle caused by pressure grounds!

The Pure Tone jack allows for increased current handling at 500 volts for high current applications. Tensioned design locks cable securely in place while the increased metal mass carries more signal.

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